Use the LERNYX platform as the core Learning Management System (LMS) for your own E-Learning content!
Yes, LERNYX offers a complete package of E-Learning Content and the LMS needed to deploy that training worldwide, but you can select the LMS on its own if you prefer. Many companies have some or all of their training available in an online format but they need a robust, easy-to-use LMS to deliver that training to their employees, partners and customers - this is where they turn to LERNYX.
The core of LERNYX is the platform that we have developed for you, into which you can load all of your elearning content. You can build and deploy your own online LMS in a matter of days, not weeks. LERNYX will take care of everything for you. We even offer Professional Services to help you get your LMS up and running in record time.
The platform also has integrated training management. Training management is an umbrella term for elements such as:
- User Management (enrollment, assignment to learning groups, tutor/coaching groups, etc..)
- User access rights (who should be enrolled in which course and when)
- Learning Paths (a planned sequence of training units, to be completed in a specific order with the objective of acquiring)
- Competencies, which are managed on the platform and allow the corporation to see at the push of a button, which employee possesses a competence that might be required in the business, but also who might be able to acquire that competence, given the competencies that they already have.
- Training completion management (which users have completed their allocated training, training assignments management, status of assignment submissions, Examination, Certificates as well as all other functions to do with tracking users' progress on their assigned learning path)
- Management Reporting to provide your HR and Line Managers with the information they need to monitor, mentor, coach and lead their teams.